Couple days ago passed a dead line for submitting an animation to Toronto Urban Film Festival.
As always, I submitted my film almost among the last. But this time submitting become some kind of delaying record for me. To be completely accurate, I brought my film on the day later the official deadline! Belive me, I had my perfectly legal reasons to do so because festival didn't have working submission mechanism for the last day which was Sunday. Office was close and even didn't have a drop box by the doors. I couldn't upload a 980 Mb file either... But, thanks to the reasonable and receptive staff of the TUFF, who respond to my urgent e-mail promptly with vital information about possibility to bring my film in by Monday morning. End of story. At the end of July TUFF will decide which films is selected for showing. As I just find it out, this year was submitted more then 400 films! People sent films from all around the word. Incredible!TUFF web site.